About us

Creative Driven Design Studio

We believe in the transformative power of creativity and strive to craft brands and digital experiences that leave a lasting impact.

Design studio specialised in: Digital, Design & branding.
Tailored design subscriptions.






Design Subscription

What is the Pixcel Design Subscription?

Elevate your brand, captivate your audience, and enjoy seamless personalised designs delivered straight to you each month.


Sign up

To acquire access to an endless array of creative opportunities, just reach out and sign up for a tailer plan.

Submit Your Request

After signing up, submit your design requests via a dedicated Slack channel, and our team will bring your ideas to life.

Designs Delivered Seamlessly

Once your designs are ready, we'll deliver them to you seamlessly, ensuring a smooth and hassle-free experience.

Verve Product Overview

How Verve Template got started

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Simplifying everything you can do with this product

Our Integration
Mission statement

Creative that Entices, Motivates, and Elevates

Pixcel's mission is to empower businesses and individuals through exceptional design solutions that captivate, inspire, and elevate. We work to create brands and digital experiences that leave an impact because we believe in the transformative power of creativity.

We are committed to going above and beyond for our clients, fostering their success, and shaping the future through design.

Projects That Inspire Passion

With a relentless drive to pursue projects we're passionate about, we aim to inspire both ourselves and our clients.

Committed to Giving Back

We aim to make a positive difference, leveraging our creative talents to support meaningful causes.

Design to Make a Impact

Our solutions should not only elevate brands but also inspire and connect with audiences on a deeper level.

Accessible Design for Everyone

We want to make sure that everyone, regardless of background or ability, can use and benefit from our creative.

Build your model block by block

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Free 7-day trial
No credit card required
Our Team

Pixcel Team

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Josh Thomas
Creative Director / Co-Founder
Chris Davies
Design Director / Co-Founder
Justin Case
Marketing Leader @verve

Frequently asked questions

For any other questions, feel welcome to reach out to our team.

Are there any additional costs or hidden fees?
How much does a website cost?
Is it possible to modify or customise the design subscription?
How long does a project take?
a loud speaker